Search Translations

End point: [RemoteTM URL]/memories
Send a POST request with these headers:
Header Value
Session  The ticket received from Authorization Request
Content-Type application/json
Include these parameters in a JSON body:
Parameter Value
command searchTranslation
memory  ID of the memory to query
searchStr  Text to search
srcLang  Source language code
tgtLang  Target language code
similarity  Minimum similarity percentage
caseSensitive  Boolean value indicating whether the search should be case sensitive
    "command": "searchTranslation",
    "memory": "1619955225759",
    "searchStr": "Get Auto-Translations",
    "srcLang": "en",
    "tgtLang": "es",
    "similarity": 60,
    "caseSensitive": false
RemoteTM responds with a JSON object.
On success, field 'status' is set to 'OK' and search results are included in 'matches' field. Example:
    "status": "OK",
    "matches": [{
    "similarity": 76,
    "origin": "1619955225759",
    "source": "<tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Auto-Translation<\/seg><\/tuv>",
    "properties": {"project": "swordfish.ditamap"},
    "target": "<tuv xml:lang=\"es\"><seg>Auto-Traducción<\/seg><\/tuv>"
    "similarity": 70,
    "origin": "1619955225759",
    "source": "<tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Export Translations<\/seg><\/tuv>",
    "properties": {"project": "swordfish.ditamap"},
    "target": "<tuv xml:lang=\"es\"><seg>Exportar Traducciones<\/seg><\/tuv>"
On error, field 'status' is set to 'Error' and field 'reason' contains the error cause. Example:
    "status": "Error",
    "reason": "Access denied"