Upload File

End point: [RemoteTM URL]/upload
Send a POST request with these headers:
Header Value
Session  The ticket received from Authorization Request
  • application/zip to upload the TMX file zipped in request body
  • multipart/form-data to upload the TMX file as HTML form attachment
Include the TMX file in the request body, either zipped or as HTML form attachment in a "file" form data param.
RemoteTM tries to store the uploaded file in a temporary location and returns a JSON object.
On success, field 'status' is set to 'OK' and field 'file' contains the temporary file location. Example:
   "status": "OK",
   "file": "uploaded.tmx"
On error, field 'status' is set to 'Error' and field 'reason' contains the error cause. Example:
   "reason": "File upload error",
   "status": "Error"