Common Parameters

The parameters described below apply to all XSL styleheets used by Conversa.
Parameter Value Description
Allowed values are: 'I', 'i', 'A', 'a', '1'.
Default value: 'A'.
The number format of topics referenced in a bookmap as appendix. By default, such topics are numbered as follows: Appendix A. Title of first appendix, Appendix B. Title of second appendix, etc.
Allowed values are: 'I', 'i', 'A', 'a', '1'.
Default value: 'A'.
In a <troubleshooting> topic, multiple <remedy> elements having no title are given numbers formatted using this format.
List of element names separated by whitespace.
Example: 'fig equation-figure simpletable table'.
Default value: ''.
Specifies which elements are to be centered horizontally on the page.
Default value: ')'.
Text added after the contents of a <equation-number> element.
Default value: '('.
Text added before the contents of a <equation-number> element.
Allowed values are: 'frontmatter', 'backmatter', 'both', 'none'.
Default value: 'none'.
Allows to add <frontmatter> and <backmatter> <topicref>s to the Table of Contents (TOC) of a document.
Note that the @toc, @navtitle, @locktitle, etc, attributes are applied normally to <frontmatter> and <backmatter> <topicref>s when an extended TOC is generated.
Allowed values are: '', an URL ending with "/" or '#REMOVE'.
Default value: '#REMOVE' for EPUB 2 and EPUB 3, '' for all the other output formats.
Specifies how to resolve <xref> or <link> elements having an external @scope attribute and a relative @href attribute. Example of such <xref> elements: <xref scope="external" format="java" href="src/"></xref>.
Do not resolve the @href attribute. In this case, the external resource files are expected to be copied “by hand” to the output directory.
An URL ending with "/"
This URL is prepended to the value of the @href attribute.
The <xref> or <link> element is processed as if it did not have an @href attribute.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'yes'.
Allows to turn off syntax highlighting in elements specializing <pre>.
By default, syntax highlighting is turned on for all elements specializing <pre> and having an @outputclass attribute equals to language-c, language-cpp, language-csharp, language-delphi, language-ini, language-java, language-javascript, language-m2, language-perl, language-php, language-python, language-ruby, language-tcl.
Default value: '&#x2013;' (EN DASH).
The string used to separate the first page number from the last page number in a page range of an indexed term. Example: index-range-separator='<-->':
Cat 54, 87<-->90
List of values separated by whitespace. Allowed values are: 'number' and 'text'.
Default value: 'number text'.
This parameter specifies which text to generate for a <link> element, when this <link> element has no <linktext> child element or when this <linktext> child element is empty.
Similar to above parameter xref-auto-text but for <link> elements.
List of type attribute values separated by whitespace.
Default value: 'attention caution danger fastpath important note notes remember restriction tip'.
Specifies the type (attribute @type) of the <note> elements for which icons should be used rather than text in order to represent note labels.
Ignored unless use-note-icon='yes'.
List of values separated by whitespace. Allowed values are: 'topic', 'chapter-only', 'table', 'fig', 'example', 'equation-figure', 'all'.
Default value: '' (number nothing).
Specifies which elements are to be numbered.
'all' is a short form for 'topic table fig equation-figure'.
'chapter-only' means: number topics, but only those referenced in a bookmap as <part>, <chapter> and <appendix>.
Please note that 'all' does not include 'example'. If you want to number all formal elements including examples, then you must specify 'all example'.
Default value: '.'.
The string used to separate the hierarchical number of topics acting as sections.
Default value: '-'.
The string used to separate the hierarchical number of figures, tables, examples and equations.
When possible, the number of figure, table, example or equation is made relative to the number of the ancestor chapter or appendix. This gives for example (for descendants of chapter 5): Figure 5-1. Title of first figure of chapter 5, Figure 5-2. Title of second figure of chapter 5, etc.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Generates a "Required" (respectively "Optional") label for <step> and <substep> elements having an @importance attribute set to "required" (resp. "optional").
Allowed values are: 'I', 'i', 'A', 'a', '1'.
Default value: 'I'.
The number format of topics referenced in a bookmap as part. By default, such topics are numbered as follows: Part I. Title of first part, Part II. Title of second part, etc.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Normally topics which are descendants of chapters (that is, topics referenced in a bookmap as <chapter>) are numbered as follows: 1. Title of first section, 1.1. Title of first subsection, etc.
Specifying prepend-chapter-to-section-number='yes' prepends the number of the chapter ancestor to the section number. This gives for example (for descendants of chapter 5): 5.1. Title of first section, 5.1.1. Title of first subsection, etc.
Allowed values are: 'I', 'i', 'A', 'a', '1'.
Default value: 'A'.
In a <troubleshooting> topic, multiple <remedy> elements having no title are given numbers formatted using this format.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Specifies whether <draft-comments> elements should be rendered.
Allowed values are: 'I', 'i', 'A', 'a', '1'.
Default value: '1'.
In a <troubleshooting> topic, multiple <troubleSolution> elements having no title are given numbers formatted using this format.
List of element names separated by whitespace.
Example: 'fig equation-figure table'.
Default value: ''.
Specifies which elements should have their titles displayed after their bodies.
Allowed values are: 'auto', 'none' or the URI of a custom title page.
Default value: 'auto'.
Specifies the kind of ``title page'' (contains the title of the document, its author, etc) to be generated before the actual contents of the document.
Automatically generate a title page based on the title and metadata of the map.
Do not generate a title page.
URI of a custom title page
Specifies the URI of a custom title page. If the URI is relative, it is relative to the current working directory of the user.
This custom title page is an XHTML file for XHTML-based formats (XHTML, HTML Help, etc). This custom title page is an XSL-FO file for FO-based formats (PDF, RTF, etc). Such custom title pages are generally hand-written.
  • The child nodes of the body element of the custom XHTML title page are wrapped in a div contained in the XHTML/HTML file being generated by the XSLT stylesheet.
    Do not add a <!DOCTYPE> to such custom XHTML title page because otherwise, the XSLT stylesheet may fail loading it.
  • The child nodes of the first fo:flow[@flow-name='xsl-region-body'] element of the custom XSL-FO title page are wrapped in a fo:block contained the XSL-FO file being generated by the XSLT stylesheet.
Default value: '. '.
The string used to separate the number of an formal object from its title.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Specifies whether icons should be used rather than text in order to represent the label of a <note> element.
URI. If the URI is relative, it is relative to the current working directory of the user.
No default value.
Specifies an image file which is to be used as a watermark in all the pages comprising the output document. See also parameter watermark.
If you need this feature when generating RTF, WordprocessingML, Office Open XML (.docx), OpenDocument (.odt), please make sure to use XMLmind XSL-FO Converter v5.3+.
List of values separated by whitespace. Allowed values are: 'number' and 'text'.
Default value: 'number'.
This parameter specifies which text to generate for an <xref> element, when this <xref> element contains no text at all(1).
Let's suppose that an <xref> element containing no text at all points to a topic titled "Installation".
Because the <xref> element points to an element having a <title> child element, ditac may use this title as a starting point for the generated text.
Now let's suppose that topics are numbered and that the number of the "Installation" topic is "Chapter 5".
The text generated for this <xref> element is thus:
If xref-auto-text='number'
Chapter 5
If xref-auto-text='text'
If xref-auto-text='number text'
Chapter 5. Installation
Note that this specification is just a hint because ditac needs anyway to generate some text. For example, if topics are not numbered and xref-auto-text='number', the generated text will be "Installation".
URL. A relative URL is relative to the output directory.
Default value: 'resources/' resolved against the directory which contains the XSLT stylesheets.
Most XSLT stylesheets generate files which reference resources such as icons or CSS stylesheets. This parameter specifies the target directory which is to contain such resources.
If this directory does not exist, it is automatically created.
If this directory does not already contain the resources needed by the XSLT stylesheets, such resources are automatically copied to this directory.
The default value of this parameter is something like file:/opt/ditac/xsl/xhtml/resources/ for the stylesheets generating XHTML. URL file:/opt/ditac/xsl/xhtml/resources/ specifies an existing directory containing basic.css, note.png, important.png, etc. This means that by default, no directory is created and no resource is copied.
If the value of this parameter is an absolute URI, then ditac assumes that no resource directory is to be created and no resource is to be copied because this has already been done by the user.
  • Explicitly specifying something like xsl-resources-directory='res' is almost always required when generating files having an XHTML/HTML based format (XHTML, HTML Help, etc).
  • Explicitly specifying something like xsl-resources-directory='res' is almost never required when generating files converted from XSL-FO (PDF, RTF, etc).

 (1) This implies that the xref-auto-text parameter is ignored when an <xref> element contains some text.