XSL-FO Parameters

The XSL-FO file generated by the XSLT stylesheets is converted to PDF, PostScript®, RTF, WordprocessingML, Office Open XML (.docx), OpenOffice/LibreOffice (.odt) by the means of XSL-FO processors such as Apache FOP, RenderX XEP, Antenna House XSL Formatter or XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Inserting a <?pagebreak?> processing-instruction in the topic source between paragraphs, notes, tables, lists, etc, may be used to force a page break when generating any of the output formats which uses XSL-FO as an intermediate format (PDF, RTF, DOCX, etc).
The following table lists the parameters specific to the stylesheets that generate XSL-FO.
Parameter Value Description
Default value: '10pt'.
The size of the ``main font'' of the document. All the other font sizes are computed relatively to this font size
Default value: '0.5in'.
See Page areas below.
A string containing one or more font families separated by commas.
Default value: 'serif'.
Specifies the family of the font used for the text of all elements except topic titles.
Default value: '2pc'.
Applies only to alternate XSLT stylesheet ditac_install_dir/xsl/fo/fo_indent.xsl.
This stylesheet:
  • Indents all blocks but topic and section titles by the value of XSLT stylesheet parameter body-start-indent. By default body-start-indent is 2pc.
  • Adds more vertical space after topic and section titles.
  • Only part, appendices, chapter and appendix titles are underlined.
This stylesheet is invoked by passing option -t ditac-xsl:fo/fo_indent.xsl to ditac. Example of its output: manual-fop.pdf.
Default value: '0.5in'.
See Page areas below.
A string containing one or more single characters separated by whitespace.
Default value: '&#x2022;' (BULLET).
Specify which bullet character to use for a <choice> element. Additional characters are used for nested <choice> elements.
Changing the value of this parameter may imply changing the font-family attribute of the attribute-set choice-label.
Default value: '90%'.
In a numbered <equation-block> element, this parameter specifies the width of the column containing the equation.
Default value: '10%'.
In a numbered <equation-block> element, this parameter specifies the width of the column containing the <equation-number> element.
Default value: ']'.
Appended after the external URL referenced by an <xref> or <link> element. Ignored unless show-external-links='yes'.
Default value: ' ['.
Separates the text of an <xref> or <link> element from its referenced external URL. Ignored unless show-external-links='yes'.
Specifies the contents of the central part of a page footer. See Specifying a header or a footer.
Default value:
two-sides even:: {{chapter-title}};;
two-sides part||chapter||appendices||appendix odd::¬
one-side:: {{chapter-title}}
String representing an integer larger than or equal to 1.
Default value: '6'.
Specifies the proportional width of the central part of a page footer. See Specifying a header or a footer.
Default value: '0.4in'.
See Page areas below.
Specifies the contents of the left part of a page footer. See Specifying a header or a footer.
Default value:
two-sides even:: {{page-number}}
String representing an integer larger than or equal to 1.
Default value: '2'.
Specifies the proportional width of the left part of a page footer. See Specifying a header or a footer.
Specifies the contents of the right part of a page footer. See Specifying a header or a footer.
Default value:
two-sides first||odd:: {{page-number}};;
one-side:: {{page-number}}
String representing an integer larger than or equal to 1.
Default value: '2'.
Specifies the proportional width of the right part of a page footer. See Specifying a header or a footer.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'yes'.
Specifies whether an horizontal rule should be drawn above the page footer.
Default value: '{{document-title}}'.
Specifies the contents of the central part of a page header. See Specifying a header or a footer.
String representing an integer larger than or equal to 1.
Default value: '6'.
Specifies the proportional width of the central part of a page header. See Specifying a header or a footer.
Default value: '0.4in'.
See Page areas below.
Default value: ''.
Specifies the contents of the left part of a page header. See Specifying a header or a footer.
String representing an integer larger than or equal to 1.
Default value: '2'.
Specifies the proportional width of the left part of a page header. See Specifying a header or a footer.
Default value: ''.
Specifies the contents of the right part of a page header. See Specifying a header or a footer.
String representing an integer larger than or equal to 1.
Default value: '2'.
Specifies the proportional width of the right part of a page header. See Specifying a header or a footer.
header-separator Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'yes'.
Specifies whether an horizontal rule should be drawn below the page header.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Specifies whether words may be hyphenated.
Positive integer.
Default value: '2'.
The number of columns of index pages.
Default value: '2em'.
The distance which separates columns in index pages.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Specifies whether text (e.g. in paragraphs) should be justified (that is, flush left and right) or just left aligned (that is, flush left and ragged right).
A string containing a single character.
Default value: '&#x2022;' (BULLET).
Specify which character is inserted before the text of a <link> element.
Changing the value of this parameter may imply changing the font-family attribute of the attribute-set link-bullet.
A string containing a single character.
Default value: '&#x2192;' (RIGHTWARDS ARROW).
Specify which character is used to separate the child elements of a <menucascade> element.
Changing the value of this parameter may imply changing the font-family attribute of the attribute-set menucascade-separator.
Length. A length may have a unit. Default is px.
Default value: '32'. '7mm' for the XSLT stylesheets that generate XSL-FO.
The height of a note icon.
Default value: '.png'.
The suffix of a note icon.
The root name of a note icon should be identical to the value of the @type attribute it represents. For example, if note-icon-suffix='.svg', the default resources directory is expected to contain note.svg, important.svg, caution.svg, etc.
In principle, there is no need for an end-user to specify any of the note-icon-suffix, note-icon-width or note-icon-height parameters.
Length. A length may have a unit. Default is px.
Default value: '32'. '7mm' for the XSLT stylesheets that generate XSL-FO.
The width of a note icon.
Default value: '0.5in'.
See Page areas below.
Length. Example: '297mm'.
Default value: depends on paper-type.
The height of the printed page.
Default value: if parameter two-sided is specified as 'yes' then '1.25in' otherwise '1in'.
See Page areas below.
Allowed values are: 'portrait' and 'landscape'.
Default value: 'portrait'.
The orientation of the printed page.
Default value: if parameter two-sided is specified as 'yes' then '0.75in' otherwise '1in'.
See Page areas below.
Default value: ''.
Appended after the page number pointed to by an <xref> or <link> element. Ignored unless show-xref-page='yes' or show-link-page='yes'.
When both page-ref-after and page-ref-before are specified as the empty string, in fact, this specifies that the generated string must be the localized equivalent of "on page".
Default value: ''.
Separates the text of an <xref> or <link> element from the page number it points to. Ignored unless show-xref-page='yes' or show-link-page='yes'.
Default value: '0.5in'.
See Page areas below.
Length. Example: '8.5in'.
Default value: depends on paper-type.
The width of the printed page.
Allowed values are: 'Letter', 'Legal', 'Ledger', 'Tabloid', 'A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'A6', 'A7', 'A8', 'A9', 'A10', 'B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7', 'B8', 'B9', 'B10', 'C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7', 'C8', 'C9', 'C10' (case-insensitive).
Default value: 'A4'.
A convenient way to specify the size of the printed page.
It is also possible to specify a custom paper type by ignoring the paper-type parameter and directly specifying the page-width and page-height parameters.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Specifies whether PDF bookmarks should be generated.
Supported by the 'XEP' , 'FOP' and 'AHF' XSL-FO processors. Not relevant, and thus ignored by 'XFC'.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Specifies whether the external URL referenced by an <xref> or <link> element should be displayed right after the text contained by this element.
Example: show-external-links='yes'causes <xref href="http://www.oasis-open.org/">Oasis</xref> to be rendered as follows: Oasis [http://www.oasis-open.org/].
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'yes'.
Specifies whether a numbered list should be generated for an <imagemap> element, with one list item per <area> element.
A list item contains the link specified by the <area> element. No list items are generated for “dead areas” (<area> elements specifying no link at all).
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Same as show-xref-page but for <link> elements.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Specifies whether the page number corresponding to the internal link target referenced by an <xref> element should be displayed right after the text contained by this element.
Example: show-xref-page='yes'causes <xref href="introduction.dita">Introduction</xref> to be rendered as follows: Introduction [3].
A string representing a color.
Default value: 'black'.
Specifies the color used for the text of topic (of any kind) titles.
A string containing one or more font families separated by commas.
Default value: 'sans-serif'.
Specifies the family of the font used for the text of topic (of any kind) titles.
Allowed values are: 'yes' and 'no'.
Default value: 'no'.
Specifies whether the document should be printed double sided.
A string containing one or more single characters separated by whitespace.
Default value: '&#x2022; &#x2013;' (BULLET, EN DASH).
Specify which bullet character to use for an <ul>/<li> element. Additional characters are used for nested <li> elements.
For example, if ul-li-bullets="* - +", "*" will be used for <ul>/<li> elements, "-" will be used for <ul>/<li> elements contained in a <ul>/<li> element and "+" will be used for <ul>/<li> elements nested in two <ul>/<li> elements.
Changing the value of this parameter may imply changing the font-family attribute of the attribute-set ul-li-label.
A string containing one or more single characters separated by whitespace.
Default value: '&#x2022;' (BULLET, EN DASH).
Specify which bullet character to use for a <steps-unordered>/<step> element. Additional characters are used for nested <steps-unordered>/<step> elements.
Changing the value of this parameter may imply changing the font-family attribute of the attribute-set unordered-step-label.
Allowed values are one or more of 'blank', 'title', 'toc', 'booklist', 'frontmatter', 'body', 'backmatter', 'index', 'all' separated by whitespace.
Default value: 'all'.
Specifies which pages in the output document are to be given a watermark.
By default, all pages are given a watermark. If for example, parameter watermark is set to 'frontmatter body backmatter', then only the pages which are part of the front matter, body and back matter of the output document are given a watermark. The title page, TOC pages, etc, are not given a watermark.
No effect unless parameter watermark-image is specified.
A string containing zero or more DITA element names separated by whitespace.
Default value: 'note'.
Specifies whether XMLmind XSL-FO Converter should render the <fo:block>s representing specified DITA elements as <fo:table>s.
This parameter enables a workaround for a limitation of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter: a <fo:block> having a border and/or background color and containing several other blocks, lists or tables is very poorly rendered in RTF, WML, DOCX and ODT.
Page areas