
Auto-Translation is a language technology that assembles translations combining fragments from Translation Memory results and glossary entries.
Computer Aided Translation (CAT)
Computer technology application designed to assist human translators in the translation process.
Character Set
A character set (sometimes referred to as code page) is a collection of characters that are associated with a sequence of natural numbers in order to facilitate the storage of text in computers and the transmission of text through telecommunication networks.
Inline Tags
Inline tags are special codes that represent formatting information from the original document that is embedded in a segment.
Machine Translation
A technology that automatically translates text from one language to another using previously defined grammar rules, glossaries, statistic analysis and other methods.
Regular Expression
Formula or expression that describes text strings using a specially defined syntax. See
RemoteTM is an open source Translation Memory (TM) server with an open REST API that allows sharing memories and glossaries over the Internet.
Segmentation Rules eXchange (SRX) is an XML-based open standard, originally published by LISA (Localization Industry Standards Association), for describing how translation and other language-processing tools segment text for processing.
TBX (TermBase eXchange) is an open XML-based standard for exchanging structured terminological data. TBX version 2, also known as ISO 30042:2008, was originally released in 2002 by LISA's OSCAR special interest group. TBX version 3, also known as ISO 30042:2019, is the latest release published by ISO.
Translation Memory eXchange (TMX) is an open standard originally published by LISA (Localization Industry Standards Association). The purpose of TMX is to allow easier exchange of translation memory data between tools and/or translation vendors with little or no loss of critical data during the process.
Translation Memory
Translation Memory (TM) is a language technology that enables the translation of segments (paragraphs, sentences or phrases) of documents by searching for similar segments in a database and suggesting matches that are found in the databases as possible translations.
Source Language
The language of a document that is to be translated.
Target Language
The language into which a document is being translated.
XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) is an open standard developed by OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards). The purpose of this vocabulary is to store localizable data and carry it from one step of the localization process to the other, while allowing interoperability between tools.