Maintenance Dashboard

Follow these steps to optimize a TMX file using a simplified dialog.

About this task

Maintenance Dashboard allows you to perform maintenance tasks in a simplified dialog that incorporates several actions available in Tasks menu.


  1. Open the TMX file that you want to modify.
  2. In main menu, select TasksMaintenance Dashboard or click the maintenance.svg Maintenance Dashboard button on the top toolbar.
    The following dialog appears:
    Maintenance Dashboard Dialog
  3. Select the corresponding checkboxes for all tasks that you want to perform:
    • Remove All Tags: remove all inline tags from the TMX file.
    • Remove Duplicated Unis: remove duplicated translation units.
    • Remove Untranslated Units: remove all untranslated units.
    • Remove Initial/Trailing Spaces: remove spaces at the start and end of all language entries.
    • Consolidate Units: merge translation units that share a common source language entry.
  4. If you selected Remove Untranslated Units or Consolidate Units, select the source language of the TMX file using the Source Language drop-down.
  5. Click the Perform Maintenance button.


A maintenance process is started and an indicator is displayed on screen while all selected tasks are performed.