Swordfish I
Version 1.0-17 - October 18, 2009
- New:
- Implemented support for XSLT 2.0
- Improved support for DITA.
- Updated SRXEditor to version 1.0-2.
- Updated configuration files for XML converter.
- Updated XML catalog.
- Fixes:
- Fixed minor bug in segmenter.
Version 1.0-16 - August 19, 2009
- New:
- Added French and Dutch translations.
- Fixes:
- Fixed handling of complex hyperlinks in MS Office 2007.
- Made XML catalog compatible with XLIFFChecker.
- Improved support for DITA choice tables.
Version 1.0-15 - July 10, 2009
- New:
- Improved support for DITA files.
- Included latest version of XLIFFChecker plugin.
- Fixes:
- Fixed crashes loading XLIFF files when the toolbar is not
Version 1.0-14a - June 13, 2009
- Fixes:
- Fixed tag insertion problems.
- Fixed reverse conversion of PowerPoint 2007 files.
- Fixed creashes when spell checking on Cocoa build (Mac OS X).
Version 1.0-14 - June 07, 2009
- New:
- Added XLIFFChecker plugin.
- Added German, Japanese, Turkish and Ukrainian translations.
- Added support for math formulae in OpenOffice documents.
- Fixes:
- Corrected handling of XML entities when editing source.
- Corrected handling of guillemets in target text.
Version 1.0-13 - May 08, 2009
- New:
- Re-written GTranslate plugin using Google's own code.
- Noticeably improved speed of MySQL databases.
- Added Support for Microsoft SQL Server. (Java 1.6 required)
- Improved database selection dialogs.
- Improved graphics.
- Added new installer for Windows with Java 1.6 included.
- Fixes:
- Improved handling of unusual entities in HTML filter.
Version 1.0-12a - March 30, 2009
- New:
- Separate Carbon and Cocoa builds now available for Mac OS X.
- Fixes:
- Downgraded SWT library in Linux versions to support distributions
with older or incomplete Firefox/XULRunner packages.
Version 1.0-12 - March 25, 2009
- New:
- Added support for DocBook 4.1.2.
- Improved support for glossary elements in DITA documents.
- Added Croatian translation.
- Upgraded GUI framework from Carbon to Cocoa on Mac OS X.
- Fixes:
- Added workaround for a bug in MS Word 2007/2008 regarding space
handling in .docx files.
- Active dictionary is now disposed when documents are closed.
- Fixed notes handling on Mac OS X.
Version 1.0-11 - January 22, 2009
- New:
- Added support for TXML (WordFast PRO) format.
- Fixes:
- Made GTranslate Google friendlier.
- Fixed bug in TM Matches panel to allow display of all auto-propagated
- Included correct plugin configuration in Linux installers.
- Created output folder at reverse conversion of DITA maps when it
doesn't exist.
- Fixed Spell Check Document.
- Fixed crash on Split XLIFF File option.
Version 1.0-10 - January 16, 2009
- New:
- Highlighted differences with TM matches in source text.
- Added support for glued TTX files.
- Fixes:
- Fixed handling of numeric expressions in Auto-Translate
Version 1.0-9a - January 2, 2009
- Fixes:
- Fixed crash when closing a file after spellchecking.
- Fixed handling of ESC key in internal spell checker dialog.
Version 1.0-9 - December 28, 2008
- New:
- Implemented support for SRX 2.0.
- Added SRXEditor as plugin.
- Moved user data to user space, to avoid permission problems in
Windows Vista.
- Added support for DITA bookmaps.
- Fixes:
- Fixed bug in conversion of ResX files.
Version 1.0-8 - November 21, 2008
- New:
- Added German and Norwegian translations.
- Enabled inserting terms by double-clicking on Terminology panel.
- Fixes:
- Fixed support for text boxes in .docx files.
Version 1.0-7a - October 26, 2008
- New:
- Added GTranslate plugin that enables translating single
segments or complete files using Google's machine translation
Version 1.0-7 - October 23, 2008
- New:
- Added segmentation rules for Japanese.
- Fixes:
- Changed handling of unsegmented numeric expressions in TTX
- Fixed handling of curly apostrophes on RTF filter.
- Fixed recognition of accented characters in MIF filter.
- Fixed crash when revisiting Document Properties dialog after making
Version 1.0-6 - October 8, 2008
- New:
- Added Galician translation.
- Implemented term recognition for Thai.
- Added support for DocBook 4.5.
- Fixes:
- Fixed bug in filter for MS Office 2007 that affected heavily
formatted documents.
- Corrected catalog entries for DocBook 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4.
- Fixed crashes when searching for empty text.
- Fixed bug in CSV import.
Version 1.0-5a - September 24, 2008
- Fixes:
- Corrected bug in TTX filter.
Version 1.0-5 - September 22, 2008
- New:
- Implemented generation of a unified XLIFF file for all topics of a
- Swordfish now asks to save pending changes before converting an XLIFF
file to original format.
- Added CSVConverter plugin to Swordfish
- Redesigned horizontal layout, with enhanced context display.
- Fixes:
- Corrected detection of target character set at reverse conversion of
HTML and PPTX files.
- Replaced TTX filter with a new one.
- Fixed bugs with hidden text in Tagged RTF filter.
- Fixed omitted spaces after tags in RTF filter.
Version 1.0-4 - August 3, 2008
- New:
- Automatically search for translations when jumping to next/previous
untranslated or unapproved segment.
- New launchers for Microsoft Windows that read the amount of memory to
use from a configuration file (MAX_MEMORY).
- Improved "Apply TM to All Segments".
- Fixes:
- Removed unnecessary requests to save files.
- Fixed bug in "Apply TM to Current Segment". Segments are now
refreshed when translations are added.
- Moved preferences to ~/Library/Preferences/Maxprograms on Mac OS
Version 1.0-3a - July 7, 2008
- New:
- Added Portuguese translation.
- Fixes:
- Fixed bug in segment filtering.
- Restored plugins in Linux installers.
Version 1.0-3 - July 6, 2008
- New:
- Added support for .ts (Qt Linguist) files.
- Added segment filtering with multiple criteria.
- Added option for displaying next/previous segment with notes.
- Added Spanish translation.
- Improved term recognition engine.
- Differentiated between case sensitive TM and Term searches.
Version 1.0-2 - May 31, 2008
- New:
- Added option to leverage in-context exact matches from previously
translated XLIFF files.
- Added Russian translation of the User Guide.
- Enabled support for hyphenated terms in Terminology panel.
- Fixes:
- Fixed bug when splitting an XLIFF file in an even number of
- Fixed conversion of Excel 2007 files.
- Fixed bug on tag differences detection with Auto QA enabled.
- Fixed bug on "Copy Source to Target on No Match" that freezes
Swordfish when opening a file on some rare cases.
- Fixed handling of target status.
Version 1.0-1 - April 16, 2008
- New:
- GUI translated into Brazilian Portuguese and Ukrainian
- Added support for special PO files produced by Translate Toolkit
- Incremented the number of text buffers to 10
- Fixes:
- Fixed handling of entities when accepting matches
- Fixed handling of entities in translatable text when tags are
- Remembered default terminology database
Version 1.0-0 - April 8, 2008